The Arts Association of Oldham County (AAOC) awards three (3) $5,000 scholarships and one (1) $1,000 scholarship to seniors residing in Oldham County who plan on majoring in the arts. The AAOC scholarship is given to a graduating senior residing in Oldham County who plans to attend a
We consider the arts to include but not limited to:
Start compiling a portfolio of your art work NOW! A portfolio can be a DVD or CD of performances, a traditional portfolio of visual art or photography, or a compilation of writings. If you have questions, call for advice and help with the portfolio. Make sure you are registered on the Oldham County Scholarships web site. REQUIREMENTS:
***If you are applying for a scholarship from AAOC and are not attending an art program or majoring in your art, in a short essay, explain how you will use your art in your chosen field i.e. therapist using singing for stutterers, engineer using art talents for drawing plans.
Visual Art
No more than five (5) photographs of your work (no originals) with an explanation of the piece of art and what the medium is. (Placed on the back of the page).
Performing arts
A cd or thumb-drive (in a format commonly used) of no more than 4 performances. Please identify yourself in the performance with a description of what and where the performance was done. If voice or instrument, you must include the sheet music of the performance. (musical theater is excluded from providing the score.) Creative writing and journalism
Essays, short stories, poetry, and newspaper articles you have written should be included. No more than five (5) with photographs for journalism.
No more than eight (8) photographs with a short explanation of what you were trying to capture with a shot. This should be on the backside of a copy of the photograph.
In addition to portfolio, student must be registered on the Oldham County Scholarships web site.
Hand-deliver or mail portfolio with cover sheet no later than March 1 to:
Donna Miller |